Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited to announce that the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) is piloting a new way for families to view their child’s New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System (NH SAS) results. In conjunction with Cambium Assessment, Inc., NHED is offering personalized video score reports from the 2022-23 school year for students who were in grades 5 and 8 and participated in NH SAS in the spring of 2023.
Your child’s personalized video will help you understand how they performed on the NH SAS and how to best help them achieve their academic goals.
To access your child’s personalized video report, go to this website:
To access your child’s video score report, you will be required to enter the following information:
1. Your Child’s Access Code for the Family Portal. This information can be provided by contacting Myles Cooney at Sunapee High School. 603-763-5615, ext 333.
2. Your child’s date of birth
3. Your child’s official first name
The video score report pilot is available from September 25 through October 29, 2023. There will be further communication in October requesting parents/guardians to join a focus group to gather feedback on the video score reports. The focus group will be held in November 2023.